Taylor Guitars is one of the world-class leaders in the guitar manufacturing industry, and today we’re going to pit their GS mini versus Taylor 114. Both of these acoustic guitars are phenomenal (given that both models are “boutique” level acoustic guitars), but there are some differences that make them ideal for comparison. That being said, […]
Focusrite Scarlett vs Clarett – how do they differ?
Focusrite is a high-class audio equipment brand from England (High Wycombe specifically). They’re manufacturing audio interfaces, consoles, equalizers, and microphone preamps, and it’s safe to say that they’ve done an amazing job over the past three decades. Some of their flagship models are ISA 110 preamp & equalizer from 1987, Forte Console from 1988, the […]
Steinberg UR22 vs Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
Writing and recording songs has never been as easy as today – all you have to do is simply get an audio interface and you’re almost halfway done. USB interfaces, in particular, have significantly simplified the entire process, and it’s no wonder people are looking for the best model for the buck. Steinberg’s UR22 earned […]
Jaguar vs Jazzmaster – which is better?
Fender’s Jazzmaster and their Jaguar came to the scene at pretty close dates – the Jazz surfaced in 1958, the Jaguar in 1962. They’ve amassed plenty of renown and fame quickly, but people don’t seem to be content with the fact that they’re both great guitars from a great brand, hence they just can’t stop […]
Taylor 114ce vs 214ce vs 314ce
Taylor, or Taylor Guitars, is one of the world-class leaders in the guitar manufacturing industry – it’s not a coincidence that we’re so interested in pitting their finest models against each other, as these guys aren’t capable of making a bad guitar. That being said, you’re in for a real treat if you’re looking for […]
JBL vs Infinity speakers
JBL and Infinity are both huge brands in the speaker system industry – what you probably didn’t know is that they’re both owned by the same parent company, but that’s certainly not the only similarity between them. We’re more interested in what separates them and makes them different, though, so we’ll keep our focus on […]
Shure SE215 vs 1MORE Triple Driver
You’ve probably heard about both Shure and 1More already, but for those that haven’t, these names represent two outstanding headphone manufacturers. The reason why we’re comparing Shure’s SE215 and 1MORE Triple Driver earbuds is that these models are among the finest in the “medium” price point category. Audiophiles and headphone enthusiasts often compare these two, […]
RHA MA750 vs 1MORE triple driver
Specs RHA MA750 RHA’s MA750 features a stainless-steel construction that boasts a high level of sturdiness. Apart from that, the sheer design of these headphones is quite unique and sufficiently appealing so as to be labeled as “beautiful”. The 560.1 driver is the “core” of MA750’s hardware, delivering high-quality sound at all times. Furthermore, the […]
Logitech G230 vs G231 vs G430
We’ve all heard of Logitech somewhere – the Swiss tech & hardware provider which just happens to be one of the leaders in the technological market. They’ve made numerous high-quality headphones, accessories, and gadgets, and it’s safe to say that whoever went with their products ended up happy, to say the least. Today we’re pitting […]
Rode NT1 vs NT1a
Rode Microphones (or shortly “Rode”) is the name of one of the most popular tech brands on the market. These guys were originally named Freedman Electronics, by which they earned their fame in the early seventies, and after half a century of good work, they’ve graced the market with the NT1. Now, the improved variant […]