The Behringer X32 Compact is a high end and versatile multi-effects processor that has become one of the most sought after compact and laptop-based audio software packages around! The Behringer X32 Compact has grown in popularity since the introduction of its midi-interface version two years ago. Behringer has continued to refine this product and introduce new features that are sure to please both users and professional sound engineers.

As a direct successor to the acclaimed X32R, the Behringer X32r features sixteen MIDAS-designed microphone preamp sections – making it a powerful board for studio or live recording. Record directly to your DAW using the X 32R’s 32-track USB/USB FireWire interface.
The XMMS section is particularly useful when you want to mix down the audio from another source such as a band rehearsal, or even an iPhone or other mobile device. Simply connect your external source to the XMMS input and then run the XMMS output from the onboard soundcard input. This can be used when you want to record your overdubs to an external source.
With the XMMS input, you can also use the onboard soundcard for recording guitar solos and other live sound effects. The Microphone Input section offers a four-track recording space, as well as a separate Monitor output for monitoring purposes. You can adjust the volume and panning of the Microphone Input section to your liking. If you wish to switch between recording instruments, you can switch between a mono and stereo input.
The XMMS section can also be used when you want to record in virtual environments, such as when mixing down a sound recording from an iPad. Simply connect the mixer to your USB port, and use the onboard recording utility to start recording. If you wish, you can adjust the Microphone output volume and panning.
One of the key features of the Behringer X32r is its built-in midi interface, which makes it possible for both Mac and Windows applications to be controlled directly from the X 32R. You can use the midi software in conjunction with midi software or hardware keyboards to control the sounds from any computer.
Another feature of the Behringer X 32R that sets it apart from other compact mixers is its powerful midi-interface. It features eight MIDI outputs, allowing you to connect your X 32R to other MIDI-equipped software devices such as soft synths, digital samplers, and drum machines. It also allows you to run several midi channels through the mixer.
Some other features of the Behringer X 32R include the ability to import and store more than 100 of the world’s most popular VSTi plug-ins, which is particularly useful for those who record a wide variety of different instruments. The onboard recording utility also lets you insert up to three external audio tracks, including a microphone. The compact size of the X 32R enables you to use it for both live performance and recording music and audio on a laptop – enabling you to get creative and jam with friends or family members in a pinch.
The Behringer X32R Compact Mixer is also equipped with a number of useful features that enable you to be productive in your recording sessions. A high-quality sound card is used by the compact mixer, enabling you to record high-quality audio files. In addition to this, the Behringer X32R also includes a high-quality headphone output, which allows you to enjoy good quality sound even when the sound on the sound system isn’t as high quality as what you are hearing on the computer.
The Behringer X 32 also contains a high-quality DSP-based equalizer, which optimizes the tonal quality of the recording signal. during playback. This is ideal if you want to ensure that your recordings will be as high quality as possible, especially if the recorded sound on the computer isn’t as good as what you’re hearing on the computer.
This compact mixer also has an exceptional amount of memory. Its onboard memory is large enough to hold hundreds of hours of music and audio recording files, meaning you won’t have to worry about running out of space when recording. You’ll also find that the mixer can process hundreds of audio channels simultaneously.
The Behringer X 32 Compact Mixer also incorporates a large, pre-programmed memory, which means you can start recording immediately and then edit the recording straight away without the need for any external software. There is also an Auto Gain control, which allows you to use the mixer in the same way as an effect processor, automatically adjusting the level of the incoming signal. It is also possible to control the volume and panning of the Microphone output and Microphone input sections using the onboard mixer fader.
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